Kosher Kitchen

What is Kosher?

Kosher food is food that meets Jewish dietary laws and restrictions.

There are many variations of kosher restrictions. Let me describe what my family does, so you can decide if my kitchen is acceptable for you!

We follow Modern Orthodox traditions of eating glatt kosher. This means that:

  • We only eat kosher animals that have been slaughtered, prepared and checked in accordance with rabbinic law. For meat, I use Empire products, Teva products, in addition to ordering meat from Western Kosher in L.A.

  • We never mix dairy and meat products together. In fact, in our kitchen we have separate sinks, pots and pans, dishes, cutlery, and equipment for dairy and meat products. This ensures that dairy and meat is never mixed.

  • All processed food used in our kitchen has the appropriate kosher certification, such as an OU symbol.

  • When we moved into our house, the kitchen was made kosher. All surfaces that could have previously touched unkosher food were thoroughly cleaned, and then purified with boiling water.

  • Please note that our kitchen is not under rabbinic supervision. Home kitchens cannot get kosher certification since that would require a mashgiach (kosher inspector) being there at all times.